Fellowship of Orthodox Christians united to Serve
FOCUS Orange County is a non-profit group of passionate Christians who engage the faithful from Southern California Orthodox Churches, Jurisdictions, and the community. Together, we follow Christ’s calling to serve our neighbors in need within five ministry areas of Food, Occupation, Clothing, Understanding and Shelter.

Since The Beginning Of 2020 you have helped by:
Answer your call to love our neighbors in Orange County
Volunteer for one or more of our many and varied events and programs. Sign up for our newsletter so you can stay informed of upcoming events and news. Tell your friends about us. Share our newsletters and website. Serve beside your friends, families and the Fellowship of Orthodox Christian United to Serve!
Engaging people in Christ's Call to Serve
Providing opportunities and resources designed to support communities in need in Southern California within the five-ministry areas of:
What People Are saying about us

E. has been on disability since he injured himself on the job shortly after returning to work during the re-open after having been laid off due to COVID during the shut-down. Childcare needs prevent E. from finding adequate work, and funds for household utilities are limited. E. always appreciates anything that we share, but really loves the fresh produce boxes. E. loves being able to add more protein sources into their children’s daily meals.
S. is a recently arrived migrant to the US currently living with their cousin and their cousin’s young children. S. has yet to secure a job, and their cousin’s limited income makes purchasing sufficient groceries for the family difficult. S. loves the canned goods, cereal, and other items, as refrigeration space is limited in the small apartment the family shares, and the rice, beans, and canned meat are welcome, healthier additions to the family’s weekly meals.
B. is a Guatemalan Indigenous person who is intermittently without housing, spending time sleeping in their car or on the couches of friends. Consistent access to food is a challenge for them. The boxes of dry goods have been really helpful to B, who keeps them in their car and uses them to help prepare and cook meals when staying with friends.
Our Volunteers
What do you find most rewarding about the distributions?
- Working together as a family helping others. I look forward to coming to help more and more.
- The people we help won't have to worry about having enough food to eat.
- It gives our parish an opportunity to serve our community.
- Smiling faces. People are happy to get what might be their food source for a couple weeks.
- Being of help and fulfilling God's commandments.

Here's what’s happening
Giving Tuesday 2021
FOCUS Southern California Guest Blog Giving Tuesday It is my hope you choose to make a gift to FOCUS Southern California tomorrow for GivingTuesday. I began volunteering with FOCUS Southern California after a fundraiser hosted by St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church...
Read MoreReflections on a Summer of Service by Gabriel Fahling
FOCUS Southern California Guest Blog Reflections From Our Intern Gabe This summer I was blessed to be an intern with FOCUS Southern California, along with three other interns. Whereas, in my last article, I spoke about our experiences working...
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