A Glance Back At 2021

Giving Tuesday 2021

FOCUS Southern California Guest Blog Giving Tuesday It is my hope you choose to make a gift to FOCUS Southern California tomorrow for GivingTuesday. I began volunteering with FOCUS Southern California after a fundraiser hosted by St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church that provided lunch to children in Orange County during the summer when schools were closed. After […]
Reflections on a Summer of Service by Gabriel Fahling

FOCUS Southern California Guest Blog Reflections From Our Intern Gabe This summer I was blessed to be an intern with FOCUS Southern California, along with three other interns. Whereas, in my last article, I spoke about our experiences working with several partner organizations affiliated with FOCUS (and we continued to work with these organizations […]
FOCUS SoCal News October 4, 2021

FOCUS Southern California Volunteer News COVID Relief Plan We wanted to share the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program covers 100% of unpaid rent and utilities as well as future rent payments for income-eligible renters and their landlords who have been impacted by the pandemic. Those most at-risk of eviction are encouraged to apply as […]
FOCUS SoCal News September 28, 2021

FOCUS Southern California Volunteer News Sadly, the pandemic has caused many people to either lose their jobs or have their hours significantly reduced. Paying for rent, food and basic essentials has become very difficult for many of our neighbors. As a result, our friends at Big Lots have stepped up to help by generously […]
FOCUS SoCal News September 22, 2021

FOCUS Southern California Volunteer News Volunteer today and join us to sort and prepare diapers to be distributed into the community. September 28th10AM-12PM2737 S. Croddy Way, Suite DSanta Ana 92704 SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER TODAY September Weekly Food Distributions and Volunteer Opportunities Cancelled! Thank you to everyone who signed up to serve at our Santa […]
FOCUS SoCal News September 14, 2021

FOCUS Southern California Volunteer News Thank you to everyone who made a donation this past week. Sadly, we still have not been able to secure food for the future. We need your financial support so together we can continue providing food to our neighbors in need. “And if you give bread to the hungry from your soul, […]
FOCUS SoCal News September 8, 2021

Did you know FOCUS Southern California has been distributing food boxes weekly feeding over 1,000 people throughout Orange County since February 2021? Sadly, the food boxes have become extremely difficult to obtain due to a Food Bank shortage. For many of our recipients, food distributions are their only lifeline. We do not have the funds to purchase […]
Newsletter: AUGUST 17TH, 2021

Saying Goodbye and Good Luck to Our Wonderful Interns! FOCUS Southern California was blessed to have had four exceptional interns from St. Innocent Service Works & Projects serve with us as volunteers in Southern California for 10 weeks this summer. The interns were Maria Anamateros from Massachusetts, Elise Buschbacker from Arizona, Gabriel Fahling from Illinois […]
Newsletter: AUGUST 10TH, 2021

Our Communities Come Together When We Do God’s Work! FOCUS National Programs Director John Moxen recently asked if I would pick up 88 backpacks that were donated and packed with school supplies by the wonderful parishioners at Holy Transfiguration American Coptic Orthodox Church in Chino Hills. As a result, I delivered the backpacks to the […]